Adrian Pellew: How do you get better SEO results for a site if you have already altered the title tags and images?
I am optimizing a site and have 5 keyword phrase i want to show up in Google. I have good Search Engine Optimization (SEO) results for 2 of the keywords. But I can’t figure out how to get the other 3 to become top result in Google. I have inserted the keywords in the title tags and image alt texts. Can anyone tell me what else I need to do.
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Answer by Gil Norman
There are many other ways to get better rankings for a set of keywords. Backlinks from relevant websites to your business, blogs linking the keywords back to your website with the webpage in the link also containing the keywords. Make sure the content on many of the pages contain the keywords, manipulate the urls to also include the keywords, key phrases, Make sure the meta tags (description and keywords) also contain the keywords.
Answer by Jay Bannister
Backlinks are the next step in the process for you. There are many directory type sites that you can submit to for free, and you can use your social bookmarking accounts such as Delicious to link up to your site. If you have a twitter account, be sure to tweet about it as well. This will help to create some instant Buzz, which Google really seems to be valuing at the moment.
With your links, you want to make sure that your link utilizes keywords in the Anchor Text. What that means is that the link uses the keyword, as the link. This will help to associate those phrases with your website, and will help improve your search rankings. Keep in mind that SEO is a longer process, so it is essential that you continue to find quality links each month to continue improving or to stay on top, once you reach it. With only 5 keywords, this shouldn’t be an overly time consuming task.
Good luck with your site. I hope you find this info helpful.
Answer by Internet Marketing Junkie
There are many many factors when doing on-page optimization. BEFORE you begin link building (off-page optimization) you want to make sure that your on-page is top notch otherwise your skipping steps. You may want to create a webpage for each keyword. There is an amazing free tool you can use (link below) to find out how well your page is term targeted. I also put a link to a guide that covers all the basics!
Answer by Indigo
Create back links that have those keywords in the text links.
Answer by Lily Johnson
i think you are stuck on onpage optimization there, SEO is not only about onsite/onpage optimization, it’s like Google would say ok you look good but hey nobody else knows you so never mind you.
So next thing you should do after grooming your site for Google, is let everyone know and make sure these are relevant people that would be interested on your site. Link Building will just do the thing.
if you like any help with SEO stuff you can always refer to our site
Answer by Jeff
IM Junkie has some good points – go to his cheat sheet for ideas.
I could give you a list of 400 white hat things to do that would boost your SEO but you probably don’t need all of them. First, see who is ahead of you for your keywords. If you’re competing against YouTube, Amazon, Wikipedia, or any other PageRank 6 or higher sites for your keywords, you may not be able to do much to move up and you’ll have to change your keywords. If you only have low PR sites ahead of you without many backlinks and low domain age, then forge ahead.
Remember, there are on-page and off-page factors to consider. On page factors include everything that you do to the code to optimize the page. The Title tag is most important, probably followed by the H1 tag. Also make sure you have the keywords in the URL. “” will help a bunch. Alt tags are important and even though Google “says” they don’t consider meta tags in the Head, make sure you have them in the description and keywords. Create links from pages in your site to the pages you want to rank for and use Anchor text for the links.
Off-page factors also count for your ranking. Make sure you have links from other sites to your site AND your pages you want to rank for. If you can get anchor text links for your keywords, all the better. How do you get these? Make a YouTube video and link it to the page. It can be a simple video – just make sure it links to the page you want to rank for. Bookmark the page in Delicious, StumbleUpon, and other social bookmarking sites. Use Twitter to link to the pages. Set up a MySpace account and link to the pages. There are a boatload of sites that you can use to link to your pages – just make sure that they are on topic and relevant. Google likes real content and if the content on the linking pages matches the landing pages you will do well.
Just keep tweaking until it happens. Some of these things take time to show up. Do some research first to make sure it is possible to compete. If you’re trying to beat some big sites, it’s usually easier to change keywords to something easier.
Answer by Lee Clarke
Hi i came across the article on seo (Simple guide to Search Engine Optimization SEO) hope this may help you its looks pretty straight forward
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