Sheer Shinyness Of Shoes Naz:): How do you become a physics researcher for important physics research that actually matters?
I know its a bit of a silly waffly question, however how do you become a top researched about physics issues that really matter? how do you for example work at big places like CERN when you have a physics degree. Is it all a matter of luck?
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Answer by eri
You’d start by getting a PhD in physics – that’s 8-12 years of college. Major in physics, keep your college GPA over 3.5 to get into a good grad program, and spend your college summers doing research to make sure you like it and to get experience for grad school. After grad school, most people spend 2-5 years doing postdocs at various institutions before getting a research job, or you can go straight into industry. It’s not so much about luck, it’s about how hard you work (how many publications you have, how well received they were, who knows your work and respects your research) but also about your connections – who you know, and who your adviser knows. That’s where going to a top school can really help you.
To achieve your goal, earn your degrees, bachelors and doctorates, from known and prestigious universities and work hard.
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