anonymous: how do parents advance their children to become confident and on a good path?
Do some parents seem to know this secret better than other parents? Isn’t it true that some parents are negative and some are positive in their approach? Don’t the negative ones realize it’s self-defeating?
Answers and Views:
Answer by gabe
Being a good role model , showing trust, and by giving their children – age- appropriate responsibilities
great question. more later.Answer by Trina
Lead by example. Have the same expectations of yourself that you have of your children. Remember that your children are thinking, feeling, human beings… do not treat them as possessions or burdens. Treat them respectfully – as you would have them treat you. Encourage them to question authority. Challenge them to question everything they do not understand and encourage them to discuss things with which they disagree. And very important is this… listen to what your children are saying.Answer by j153e
“Education Begins before Birth,” O. M. Aivanhov,
“Expecting Adam,” Martha Beck, Ph.D.,
“Babies Remember Birth,” David Chamberlain, Ph.D.,
“Life before Life,” Jim Tucker, M.D.,
“Climb the Highest Mountain,” Mark Prophet,
“When Invisible Children Sing,” Dr. Huang, and
“Men in White Apparel,” Ann Ree Colton
are some good clue-giving helpers.
This dynamic also works in husband-wife relationships: about 10-20 positive words of love and respect for a single Constructive Criticism word do similarly in either relationship.
Learning to earn, loving God completely, loving colleague (e.g., marriage partners) etc. as Self, are ways for modeling behavior some of which is not so much “taught” as “caught.”
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