: How do I rid my apartment of fleas coming from the adjoining apartment?
I live in an apartment complex and my apartment is infested with fleas. I have bombed a few times, used powders and have tried topical treatments on my cat. Due to the adjoining apartments being infested due to their pets the fleas keep coming back. My poor cat! My complex does provide monthly pest control, but it doesn’t seem to be helping. What can I do?
I have tried flea colors also.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Michael B
Hiring a professional to clear your house and hopefully will be able to keep the fleas next door
Answer by Bob
form a committee (tenants association) and sue the landlord. Landlords aren’t required to do much but providing a plague-free environment is definitely on the list. the landlord might be cutting corners on the level of defense he’s employing with the exterminators. he might be going with “a friend of a friend” and spraying something cheap that is ineffective. bring it to the city council where your town is first then hire a lawyer.
Answer by babe
well you need to talk to your neighbor he must do the same as you or,else they will come back and try front line if they have it for cats,and a flea collar
Answer by EggNog
If your apartment complex is managed by a leasing company than they have the responsibility to take action on you neighbors uncleanly behavior, and fumugating both apartments. If not you may need to call the county health inspector. Your neighbor has a responsiblity not to encroach on your quality of living, and the county could persuad them to take appropriate actions to clean up the infestation. Best course of action would be to talk to your neighbor, hopefully they are a descent individuals who will sympathize with you predicament and make appropriate changes. If all else fails contact animal control in your county they may have policies regarding animals and co-use spaces.
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