Kate: How do I get my cat to be nice to the new puppy?
I’ve had a cat for about a year now. Over the weekend, I got a new puppy and my cat is NOT happy about it! The cat is being very aggressive towards the new puppy hissing, swatting at her, etc… My cat is even being aggressive towards me hissing and swatting at me! Does anyone have any tips to help my cat during this new transition?
Answers and Views:
Answer by stace!
The cat rules the roast & the kitty is making sure pup knows it from the get go!!!
Cat’s are just evil…hopefully your puppy will learn to just avoid it.Answer by Jess
You shouldn’t have let the cat and puppy in the same room for a couple of weeks. Instead, let the puppy in one area of the house and the cat in the other- so they will smell each other and get used to the smell without coming into direct contact. Then introduce the puppy slowly to the cat with lots of rewards (such as food) so the cat associates the puppy with good things. e.g. when the dog is first let into the room, when the dog is in the room and the cat isn’t interacting with it. Don’t give any rewards if the cat is behaving badly towards the puppy.
If the cat gets nasty use a firm loud voice to say “NO” and spray it with some water.Answer by ne-design
I’ve just had a new kitten too! How long have you had the two so far? My cat took a week to be nice to my new kitten. The best advice I could give is to be patient. Same with us. When you have somebody in your house it does take some time to get used to it.
Just to get you comfortable my cat has hissed and punched at the kitten for more then 2days. After that she began to smell her from the back. Each time my kitten faces the cat she kept hissing. Finally after a week the cat kissed the kitten nose to nose, which meant that the cat is now going to be nice to the kitten.
Good luck with your new puppy!
Answer by PRINTSFor the sake of your cat and the sake of good housetraining, put your puppy in a cage. This will give the cat the upper hand and not feel as though the puppy is taking over his home. A new puppy can be very upsetting to a cat’s normal, quiet life. If the puppy is bouncing all over the house, the cat will learn to dislike it quite a lot. If the puppy, however, is limited to the amount it can ‘invade’ the cat’s territory, until the cat gets used to it, the cat may eventually adjust to the new ‘bundle of joy’. Additionally, cage-training is the best method of training the puppy to do its business outside, rather than in the house. Use a cage for the best of both pets, and for your best, too. Get a book about cage-training – you will be glad you did – and so will your cat. By the way, the puppy is an INVADER in the eyes of the cat. Scolding the cat is not going to help. You need to respect the fact that the cat loves you and is having its life turned upside-down. Give the cat lots of additional attention in a quiet place and put its food where the puppy cannot get ahold of it.
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