juncojuncojuncosj: How do I film a scene in a taxi using two actors?
I am an independant flim maker (aspiring). I have the use of a green screen studio as well as the outdoors. How would you recommend filming a scene in a taxi? Is there a site with insertable green screen sets (backgrounds) or is it better to film in the car. Someone please give me some tips!
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Answer by willberb
I think the mics are in the car, and the cameras are usually suspended outside the vehicle. Its a great question though.
GEZZZZZZZZzzzzzz Why make it so hard ???
1) go to U-Haul and rent a car dolly.
(the type of device that toe’s a car from the front wheels only.)
2) get a car to haul the dolly and drag the film car around.
3) shoot the bit twice. once from the drivers side. once from the passengers side. OR from what ever side you like..
(drag the film car across the same road)
Answer by eGuyfilm the two actors on the ground just waking up from being hit on the head looking around for the taxi, but there is no taxi around they just got robbed.Answer by Brian M
Film makers usually rig a vehicle on a flat truck to simulate the motion as the action is taking place. The car is rigged with a framework to fix the cameras in place outside of the front windows, and all glass is removed. The lights are added in a way to illuminate the inside of the car, and leave no camera shadows, or light reflections.
This is for visible camera layouts. For concealed layouts, you can rig a camera called a lipstick camera to the visors on the inside of the car. This is how ‘Taxicab Confessions is filmed. B.
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