Payton N: How do I convince my mom that getting a Parakeet won’t become another responsibility of hers?
Im so close! My step dad says its up to my mom. He said his main concern is that it will become another thing my mom has to take care of. I know 110% that i would be the only one taking care of the bird because no one else in the family knows about birds except me. So, how am I supposed to convince my mom that she wouldn’t be taking care of the bird?
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Answer by azreale
I’ve heard this countless times from my kids. Somehow I’m always the one taking care of the animals. Good thing I am an animal lover so I don’t mind too much 😉
Try this: tell them “how am I supposed to prove to you I can be responsible when you won’t even give me a chance?”
A lot of kids say that it will never become their parent’s responsibility, but most of them can never keep that promise. It’s not because they’re bad kids, it’s just because they don’t understand the commitment that comes with keeping a bird.
Firstly, birds (including budgies) are NOT easy pets. They take a lot of time and trouble to properly take care of. You have to do a lot of research on them; what their proper diet requirements are, caging requirements, toys, training, and lots of other things.
Secondly, it can be a matter of money. Purchasing a parakeet is more than picking the colour you like from the pet store, and getting the cheapest cage, and the cheapest toys, and the cheapest food. It’s VERY important not to skimp on these things. You’ll learn that a good number of “parakeet” sized cages that pet stores tend to carry are unrealistically small for ANY bird.
(On a side note there, I recommend not getting a parakeet from a pet store. You should find a local reputable breeder who can supply you with a friendly, happy, healthy parakeet. Trust me on that, it’s better.)
Also on the money end of things, read this: What that poem is trying to say is that many people will let their “cheap” birds die of illness because the vet care required is far more expensive than the bird itself was. That shouldn’t matter.
What I’m saying with all of the money stuff is this: Who would be paying for this bird’s needs, you or your parents? If it’s all on them, isn’t that something that has become “their responsibility?” Even if they don’t see it that way, are they willing to help you provide the best for your parakeet- even if it get sick?
Moving on. What about when you move out on your own? Are you absolutely sure that you will be able to take your parakeet with you? Most college dorms will not let you have a pet, so you’d have to make sure you could get a place of your own and in doing so make sure that you can still afford to take proper care of your parakeet.
After telling them that, I’ve had one kid tell me “I’m sure the bird would have died by then.” Parakeets can live longer than dogs. That’s why it’s such a huge commitment to get a bird.
Training a bird is not an easy task. If you get upset and frustrated with the process, can you be positive that you won’t give it up and decide you don’t like parakeets?
The only way to truly convince your parents that you can handle the parakeet all on your own is to KNOW that you can. Have you asked yourself these questions? Have you done your research on how to take proper care of a parakeet? If the answer is no, then you’re not ready. We have a lot of parakeets at the shelter where I volunteer because people answered no to those questions, but bought a bird anyway. If you want to avoid that, you need to take this seriously.
If the answer to those questions is yes, however, and you’ve done all you can to prepare yourself to keep a parakeet- then you just have to be able to show your parents what you know. Show your mom that you know the commitment and responsibility involved, and that you’re willing to take it on. A good way to get on any mom’s good side is to do dishes, laundry, and any other household chores that come to mind completely unprompted. Show her that you’re responsible. Show her that you can do it.
I don’t say any of these things to be mean- I just want to be honest with you. If you’re going to do this, you should do it right, after all. I wish you nothing but the best of luck!
Answer by momI don’t know how to convince your mom but because my boys somehow convinced me I now have 2 parakeets, cage and accessories for sale.Answer by Lady D
Maybe if you took more responsibility for other things around the house that involve you it might it more believable when you say “I’ll do it.” Too many kids SWEAR that they will take care of that new pet. And they do. For a day, a week or even a month. I’ve had numerous animals in this house and I’ve yet to see a child take interest in the nitty gritty work aspect of pet care for as long as one year. Since pets live a lot longer than that, this means MOM gets to do the work for years and years.
Do you do chores? Do you take care of other pets? Do you do your own laundry or keep your room clean without being told? Because frankly, if Mom is already running around cleaning up after you, she has NO reason to believe that this will be any different.
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