Sherwood…Nathaneil Sherwood: How do I change the spam settings on my gmail account to send certain emails to my inbox?
All of a sudden, my gmail account started sending emails from facebook and wall street journal straight to spam. How do I change it so that those emails start going back to my inbox and not directly to spam?
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Answer by aamh05
One way you could do that is to make sure that facebook is in your contacts that way when you receive emails from facebook it will go directly to your inbox, another way you can do it is next time the emails that you want to go to your inbox end up in your spam box you can select those emails and there should be a option on top of your spam emails that say not spam you can select that option and that should work if that doesn’t work than there should be a mail option button in your inbox that you can select and filter your spam options and make sure that facebook is not one of the address that is in your block these emails option. I hope this was helpful and that it works
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