Karissa Green: How do I become more knowledgeable about politics?
I am 16 years old and I don’t know the first thing about politics. Whenever I read the newspaper or watch the news and they’re talking about politics, I have no clue what they’re talking about. However, I WANT TO know what they’re talking about, but I don’t know where to start and I want to be able to have an intelligent conversation with someone about politics in the future. How do most people become knowledgeable about politics? Do you think if I read the newspaper everyday, it would start to click? Any suggestions/advice would be greatly appreciated.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Brianna Andrews
First of all, I applaud your interest in politics. I wish more people your age would like to learn about it. Even though I’m a republican, this answer is honest and without bias. Start watching FoxNews in the evening, that’s how I got hooked on politics. It’s the only news source that has both sides to an arguement, and allows you to make up your own mind. Liberals curse them for being fair and balanced for some reason. If you start reading the paper and watching network news, make sure you catch even a little FoxNews. I suggest the O’Reily Factor, he’s very fair and I think you’d like him. Good luck.
Answer by T.J.
Stay away from the Yahoo Answers politics section!
Answer by Bleikr
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