xlcr: How do horoscope makers take into account the latitude (not longitude) of the place of birth of a person?
A horoscope is prepared based on the view of the sky from the place of birth of the child at the time of his birth. But the sky looks different from different places around the world. A horoscope based on a book showing planetary positions (known as “Panchang” in India) in one part of the world will not be correct for preparing horoscope for a person born in another part of the world. While the differences in longitudes are supposedly taken into account by adjusting the time of birth taking into account the time difference between the two places (the place to which the Panchang belongs and thje place of birth of the person for whom a horoscope is to be prepared), there seems no way of taking into account the difference in the latitudes of these two places. So, do horoscope makers take into account differences in latitudes or don;’t they. And, if they do, how is it doen?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Man.with.a.Plan
a horrorscope is based on asstrology, which is bs (aka bovine feces)
Astrology is rubbish. Ignore it.Answer by mattias carlsson
It amazes me that noone has been trying to calculate which starsystems sky the persons body molds would match. This would by far be a much cooler approach to astrology in my opinion. As far as I can tell from the magazine horoscope creaters they happily add zero to their advanced calculations at many times to get the exciting results which divide the populations happenings into twelve sections. 6 billion/12 = 500 million ppls behaviour defined in a few rows. Sounds like science to me.Answer by martyk423
In order to provide more tables with more characteristics to be looked up, astrological lore has put forward many different (perhaps as many as 50) house systems. These are arbitrary divisions of the sky in sectors, vaguely like orange slices. The various systems differ in how wide these sectors are, how many sectors there are, and how they are oriented in the sky relative to the ecliptic, the horizon or the equator. There are two main house division systems in use by modern astrologers, the Koch and the Placidian. It is hilarious that in neither of these two systems does anyone born above 66.5 degrees north latitude even have a horoscope! The stars have nothing to say about 12 million people!
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