La Raza: How come most white men equate dating a Latina to dating a beautiful angel?
Especially when dating the ones who can speak Spanish. Is it because all Hispanic girls are physically beautiful and have high moral value ? White guys try hard to get marry with a Latina lady because they want to have many beautiful children with her ?
Answers and Views:
Answer by lgirl
All hispanic girls are not physically beautiful and have high moral value … Be serious ….
Answer by Chris
White guys get with Latina women because they are attractive and most are sexually inclined
Answer by david
White guys just want to have sex with them because nobody else will ahahahah.
Answer by Common Sense
I am a White male and let me state, latinas are by far ugly chimps. White girls are the best.
Answer by Iamicecreamman
The question is why do so many hispanic chicks try to get with white guys. Its probably because their supreme awesomeness. Especially if they have a green go accent and just answer Spanish with “uhh, no hablo, uhhh, espanol…. or something.”
Answer by texan1950
At one time I would agree with you, but it’s not that way anymore. At one time the Mexican girls were beautiful but now they seem to be all fat.
La Raza and such groups have encouraged these girls to start spiting these anchors out every nine months and they run down and get on food stamps and start stuffing themselves.
It is really unfortunate what has occurred to these Mexicans girls They use to be so beautiful and sought after by the American man but it’s not that way anymore.
Answer by chmacqueen
If you said Asian it may be true. However most white men don’t find latino women to be very interesting or all that attractive. Sure a few are but the majority nope. Most also have no interest in latino women as far as long term relationships, if they are with them its just a fling for sex which they’d take wherever is available.
Now if you want to talk on what race most white men find exotic and extremely beautiful it would be hands down Asian women. Ask any white men and 9/10 said on just ethnic bounds what would you choose… black, white, asian or hispanic 9/10 would say asian.
Answer by Jupiter
Not likely most are morbidly obese
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