ihateaccounting: How come celebrities never think about this when they get plastic surgeries?
Why do they never consider the effect their getting plastic surgery will have on the everyday people out there especially young children and teens who look up to them? Many people look up to celebrities because of how they look, but most of them aren’t even real. They determine the standards of beauty, but they aren’t even natural. Men and women see these people in magazines, films and on the red carpet and begin to believe that they represent what beauty is, but remove each and every one of their surgeries and what we perceive to be beautiful would change.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Tina
I think its exactly because of that, people all around the world seeing them.
If someone is on television, a movie, etc., they would want to look good.
I believe everyone can be insecure about how they look so they want
to be judged as “beautiful” or “pretty”
I’m guessing that once you’re a celebrity, you will think looking great is
something really important.
Answer by femmefatale
Because hollywood has a tremendous pressure to be gorgeous and flawless & they get told all the time that if they don’t get this and this done that they won’t get certain roles that could skyrocket their career. They don’t think of later. they think i want to look good NOW. unfortunately when they get older, they will look so deformed and plastic. It’s sad.
Answer by Tara
all they care about is PERFECTION.. they feel like like they cant be seen with one flaw..
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