A A: How can military members serve under Obama when you swore to uphold the constitution?
Okay so I know this totally seems like a trolling question but I’m serious. Obama has said the constituion is seriously flawed and doesn’t say what the country must do for citizens. Many of his policies and things he is doing are also unconstitutional.
I believe all military members are sworn to uphold the constitution, how can you serve under Obama and uphold the constitution? Also, totally hypothetical right here but if Obama tried to take guns away from citizens where would you side on the issue, with the citizens or with Obama?
Answers and Views:
Answer by John K
You can have my gun, when you pry it out of my cold dead hand!
Answer by Thomas R
Show me a link to that. In fact failure to serve the commander and chief in time of war IS treason btw.
They are sworn to uphold the constitution, and that is what Obama is doing.
As compared to the last guy who used it for toilet paper. The Citizens, last time I checked ARE with Obama.
Answer by Dan Denozzo III
The military serves the office of the Commander in Chief!
The person holding the office is irrelevant!
Answer by protoham
You can’t, and there are lawsuits based on this.
Answer by bash
Obama never said that. That claim has been repeatedly debunked. Obama has promised to adhere to the Constitution, dear. If he breaks that promise, he is likely to be impeached….so he won’t be taking guns from any citizens.
Answer by CJ
Well, I’ll just say, I will uphold the constitution at ALL cost. I am prepared to give my life for my country and out way of life
Answer by Izzie
give me my guns and i didn’t vote for his dumb ass.
Answer by USA!
You re delusional Go JO to Bushs picture and leave this for the adults to worry about.
Answer by moorek713
stop hating obama
Answer by Marcia B
He is the commander in chief . The “seriously flawed” comment referred to allowing slavery! He never said the other thing. That’s just bull. The constitution disenfranchised most of the population…women and minorities. Of course it was flawed. That’s why its been amended more than two dozen times.
Answer by richgeasey
Why do all you crazy Republicans worry about your guns. Bush wanted to take away your rights to free speech, and allow warrant less searches. Obama doesn’t care about your guns. He’s got a better grasp of the Constitution than that chuckle head Bush.
Answer by crazy girl-L!
I like guns, so Obama wont take mine. He will definately have a hard time! Obama is the Anti christ. He wont cut spending but will take more money from taxpayers to pay for people who DONT work. This is socialism. Spreading the wealth is SOCIALISM. The constituition is not flawed. Obama is. The governement was not intended to HELP or do ANYTHING but protect citizens from foriegn and domestic invaisions. Providing for citizens is exactly what the fore fathers did NOT write in, because they came from places where they were taxed to death to pay for others. America was founded on what YOU could make of it, NOT what america COULD MAKE OF YOU. Wake up liberals! I am sick of donating my pay to people who refuse to work! Give everyone on welfare a drug test!
Answer by Pagan Dan
The US Constitution states the the president is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. There are very good reasons why the armed forces must be under civilian control. If seems to me that anyone in the US armed forces has two choices–obey the lawful orders of the commander-in-chief, or resign.
Any opinions regarding the rights of citizens to bear arms are purely a civilian matter. I hope that you are not seriously suggesting that the military should step in to save the country if they disagree with the democratically-elected leadership. We are talking about the USA here, not Uganda or Haiti.
Answer by tonalc2
Obama NEVER said that the current constitution is seriously flawed. Perhaps you are thinking of Bush, who said it was just a damned piece of paper.
Soldiers refusing to serve under their commander in chief will quickly experience repercussions, as they would if they refused any order.
Answer by blonde bob
Glad I’m out!
Answer by Mike P
Which policies do you perceive to be unconstitutional? I don’t like Obama at all, but I don’t understand what you’re talking about.
Your second question is really off the deep end. IF Obama wanted to take guns away from citizens, he would need Congress to pass legislation for it. Which wouldn’t happen. IF it did, the constitutionality would be challenged in the Supreme Court and overturned. If by some miracle it didn’t, there is no practical way to scoop up the hundreds of millions of guns in America.
Answer by smiteroffoes
Obama isn’t going to be the one taking away America’s firearms; but he wont be vetoing any bills congress sends him if they manage to find a loophole in the constitution.
And the reason people are mad about it is because when guns are outlawed, only criminals(those people that don’t care about laws) will have guns. And if you manage to get every gun out of America, people will resort to using swords. Yeah, its happened.
I mean, just look at Britain and Australia, violent crimes are much higher there than here, and the rapid increase in violence happened after guns were removed. And look at Singapore, where the majority of the citizens own a firearm. They have one of the lowest violent crimes rates in the world.
And no, I’m not a Republican, and I also hated Bush.
Answer by BOB MONEY711
Bush doubled the national debt in only eight years. Oh and its ok to want to own a handgun to protect your family. You must admit though, it is ridiculous to need an assault rifle.
Answer by Kojak
I served under Carter….. I served under Clinton…….You do not serve the President……you do not have to agree or even “like” the President……you serve the nation……you serve the Constitution…..
Presidents come; Presidents go….. not the job of the military to give the President his performance evaluation….. If you do not like his policies…..retire or do not re-enlist……that is why thousands left the service under Clinton….. he RAPED the military.
It is the job of the other branches of the government (Legislative and Judicial) to monitor the President……to judge if he violates the Constitution…. That is what impeachment is all about
Answer by Alter Ego
I believe in our right to bear arms. That is why I’m spending my tax money on buying guns just in case. What everyone needs to understand is that taking guns away from regular people won’t do anything, just keep regular people from protecting themselves from being a victim of a crime. Think about it, criminals don’t go to gun stores to buy guns, they buy illegal guns off the streets.
Answer by Mark F
Which policies are unconstitutional?
When and where did Obama allegedly claim the Constitution was seriously flawed?
What is the exact quote?
I think you are merely regurgitating a bunch of right-wing propaganda. If you can answer any of the above questions you might have a point, but I’m guessing you can’t. That means you are not properly excercising you civic duty and keeping yourself well informed.
Answer by Nick
Comander In Chief. Obey and let the courts handle this mess.
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