: How can I tell if my breasts are growing?
I’m 13 and have had my period since last year on december 15th
I’m a 32A-36A bra size
My mom started getting breasts in 9th grade and started wearing a bra and stuff
And I’m in 8th grade..
How do I tell if my breasts are growing?
I know they probably are but what are some things that happen when your breasts are growing?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Kumatora
If they hurt.
You will need a bigger bra sizeAnswer by ANGELA s
Your breast can grow until your in your mid 20’s. You can measure yourself to see if your have grown. https://confessionsofacurvygirl.wordpress.com/2011/08/10/how-to-measure-yourself-to-know-what-your-bra-size-is/
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