ManelandEqLuvr: How can i teach my pony to be ridden without a bridle?
I want to teach my pony a trick, and I decided that learning how to be ridden without a bridle would really help us on our steering. Unfortunately, I have no idea where to start… I want to surprise my trainer, and so i really want to try to at least start getting her to go without a bridle in a day… Is this even possible? And how can i teach her?
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Answer by Babi
make sure she listens to your commands. Hopefully she has good ground manners and knows leg pressure. As long as she isn’t spooky then you could get a bit-less bridal. If she is hot then i wouldn’t attempt it.
as long as she is a very trusting horse when you ride its more leg command than anything else (well i was taught that way) make sure you know her inside out
hope fully this will help
step 1: stroke her and reassure her that it is you before you mount
step 2: ask her to walk on with the bridle on ( just to make sur e she will not spook at anything and to get her used to you first) then when you feel confident take the bridle of
step 3 : walk on slowly gently tapping with your legs ask her to halt to see if she will stop when you say, not when you pull the reins if she does praise her if she does not keep practicing until she gets the message.
step 4: steering shouldn’t be that hard considering you use your legs
tap gently and not to sudden so she doesn’t spook
start with an easy turn then build yourself up
step 5 : well trot if your confident enough!
hope you impress you riding instructor
good luck!
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