hopeless: How can I help my muslim father accept my wishes to marry a christian man?
Over the past year I’ve gotten to know the qualities of this man and he is remarkable and exceptional. He respects my choice to remain muslim. I acknowledge how Islamic law forbids such an arrangement. However, I’ve come to terms with this and believe Allah is more understanding. I realize this just verifies my disconnection with Islam, but I believe the gentleman is an exception. Please help me find a way to talk to my father.
Answers and Views:
Answer by leakthomas
if he’s a true muslim you probably won’t be able to convince him
You need to tell him how religion and moral views are changing. maybe when he was younger it was looked down upon to marry someone from a different religion. But nowadays it is something that has to happen if the world is going to be multicultural.
hope i helped.
Answer by trenodesIf your father isn’t very understanding and won’t allow you no matter what, you may have to choose between family or your love. That’s the way it is sometimes.Answer by Adrian
i understand, just think of it this way, Allah is real because you believe in him, so if you believe he will understand then he must understand right? as for your relationship, that is your and only your choice, just believe the choice is right.Answer by Ash Pash Smash
Marriage between two different religions is very difficult, specially if you plan to have kids, but it can work if you are really committed, i think you should talk to the guy, your father, and the guys parents, to really see if this is the right decision!Answer by Bloxacon
Look, if you want to marry him, just run for the hills!
you shouldnt have to ask your father to let you be happy!
but if you insist, tell him that As a father, he should respect your wishes, after you’ve done WHATEVER.
if he says no, go for the hills, totally forget about him until AFTER your married. and be sure to bring your guy, in a PUBLIC place. VERY public.Answer by Elaine: Sadie and Elizas Mum
Your father wants what is best for you. He will understand that you love him. And if he doesn’t, I would still marry the man if it makes you happy.
Please answer mine!
Well im Muslim too and my rents told me that the woman is suppose to marry a Muslim man so that their kids will be Muslim as well. But if the man isnt Muslim, he can convert into a Muslim. So if this guy REALLY loves you then he’ll be willing to become Muslim for you. :][: hope i helped!Answer by Cody P
Further proof of the pollution that is organized religion. Explain to your pops that just believing something different than he believes does not make your man a bad person. Islamic law states a lot of things that don’t make sense unless you’ve been brought up to believe that way, i.e. inadvertent brainwash. In the end you can only do what makes you happy, if your dad disapproves that’s his problem, you’d think he’d just want whatever would make his daughter happy but religion will muddle things like that. Marry whomever you want and be happy! He may not like it at first but he’ll get over it and (should) respect you more for sticking to your guns.Answer by Philanthrop
Dear Hopeless,
Be friendly with your muslim dad.Try to make his mind broader about
philosophy of religions.The main ideas are same.No religion say anything
detrimental to mankind but only the conservatism. A group of Muslims has politicized Islam, they want be the super power in the world.But they want to reach there in negetive way.That can’t be possible.They should love all people as Christians did.
Have a wonderful matrimonial future life.
Ask your dad to study Holy Bible along with Holy Koran and other Holy Books
and make him understand the corr theme of religions.
Have a wonderful matrimonial future life.
Would it help things if your fiance agrees that your children can be raised Muslim? Would that help your father become more accepting of the idea?Answer by Memeandme
I’m sorry about it. I do understand you, believe me because I used to be like you. It seems to be a good idea at first to me but I reached to a point where I gave up on love and chose to follow religion rules. You know what there are other guys out there that are better than him. I’m sure you will think he is the one but no, it is just human nature that we, women, think that we have to be faithful to one person only.
I’m sure he is a great person to be with and can make you happy in this life, but if you believe in afterlife, as muslims do, then you have to think about this difference. I’m not saying non-muslim do no go to heaven. I do not know about that. No one knows, only God. But what I’m saying is that it is forbidden.
Please think about it carefully… It’s your call
Sure you can marry him if he converts but get this in mind “will he convert because of you or because of what he believes in???”
One more thing… Think about your kids that you plan to have with him. Father is a head figure. He suppose to guide the family. If he is a non-believer, he may teach your kids the way he wants it. Sure he respects you as a muslim but sometimes you will need to make a decision/ decisions that may contradict what he believes in. Hard work…
even if he accept you still cannot marry that man … it’s forbidden .. I know you don’t want to hear this but this is the truth … here are the proofs from Qura’n the words of Allah who you think will be “more understanding” in His own words says:
“And do not marry female associators (Those who associate others with Allah) until they believe; and indeed a believing bondwoman is more charitable than a female associator, even if you may admire her. And do not (allow) associators to marry (your females) until they believe. And indeed a believing bondman is more charitable than an associator, even if you may admire him. Those call to the Fire, and Allah calls to the Garden and forgiveness, by His permission, and He makes evident His signs to mankind, that possibly they would remind themselves.” Al Baqara 221
the words are more than clear “And do not (allow) associators to marry (your females) until they believe.” this is a generalization statement as explained by all the scholars that any Muslim female if forbidden to marry non muslim. here is another verse too:
“O you who have believed, when female believers come to you as migrants (i.e., those who have left their homes. The Arabic word means both emigrants and immigrants) then test them Allah best knows their belief. So in case you know them to be believers, then do not return them to the steadfast disbelievers. They are not lawful (wives) to the disbelievers, nor are the disbelievers lawful (husbands) for them.” Al Mumtahina 10
Gaber narrated that the Prophet (PBUH) said: ” we (men) can marry the women of the book (christian or jew) but they (men of the book) cannot marry our women”
and there are many other proofs that you can not marry that man unless he convert to Islam and practice all the rituals regularly then you can marry him …
sorry for the long answer but I had to take the responsibility off my shoulders … may Allah help you and bless you with the right man that improves your religion and be the reason to drive you to paradise …
Answer by marjezaGod is perfect and in his/her perfection his/her wisdom surpasses that of any human being.
Trust your, heart God has a way of speaking to us if we choose to listen.
I wish you all the best.
Answer by Amier NI am a muslim and I believe this: Everything has a reason. The Qur’an states that you can’t marry a man for a reason. Allah is wise and he did it because back then, people didn’t know better. If Muslim girls were allowed to marry a non-Muslim man, the man would have total control over her because of how societies were similar. Do you see that now? Isn’t the woman the head of the household nowadays? xD
I believe that as long as the children are grown up to be Muslims, then it is fine.
Answer by BrooklynnYOu need to say ur taking him 2 a surprise party …( take him 2 church
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