Boriquen: Hidden “Real Estate” taxes in Obama`s Health-Insurance bill?
Is this an example of Obama`s transparency? Another example of how he is taxing the poor, middle class & rich class of our country? Can anyone comment on this?
Answers and Views:
Answer by I cant believe this website
I wouldn’t be surprised, but a link would help otherwise you’ll be accused of making stuff up
Answer by Big John
It’s not true.
Answer by Do or don’t do, No trying.
There are more than a few hidden taxes.
Answer by Janice
The other hidden tax wax the tax on gold you own. In 2000 pages they could hide lots of things we will be finding out as we go.
Answer by justgetitright
The tax is not a ‘real estate’ tax, some have called it a sales tax but what it is, is a Medicare Tax.
The Medicare tax of 3.8% will not affect all home sales, it will affect homes that are part of an investment and the profits are taxed as they are today with the addition of the Medicare Tax as a new addition.
Now, the question is what would constitute an investment. Obviously it would be the sale of a home that was not your primary residence, there are times when selling your primary home could be considered an investment.
Lets say that you place your home up for sale for $ 750,000, after the home sells you purchase a smaller home for $ 200,000, you have a profit of $ 550,000. You can take the one time $ 500,000 exemption leaving you with a profit of $ 50,000 thus you will pay taxes on your investment income and an additional 3.8% tax for Medicare.
I don’t think that this will have much of an impact except for big investors such as house flippers.
Answer by Debra H
This is no surprise.. what can we expect from a program for health that internal revenue is going to handle.
Our health is the last thing Obama or this government care about.
Answer by Nikki
Doncha luv it? 2000 pages…dno one reads it. Pelosi says to wait till it takes effect to see its good….what BS. With that much verbage bureaucrats could write rules saying you have to donate a kidney what your 20, no matter what.
Answer by Isabella
He is not transparent. He wants to redistribute wealth, but sometimes the poor are not as poor at all, and many of the unemployed are just waiting for the perfect job before finding job now. I was married to one of those guys, and he always waited until his benefits were about to expire before he looked for a job.
I think the American dream is to go upward, become rich, and by taxing the “rich” everyone will be even. But as we saw in USSR, this never worked. The rich will move away – John Kerry is housing his yacht in another state to avoid paying taxes, and others will do the same. Plus I do not believe that nowadays $ 250,000 is considered very rich. Let’s see how much the Obamas pay in taxes.
Actually, the weird fact about Obama is that no one knows what he really thinks or stands for. He has someone writing his speeches. He has a teleprompter – or teleprompting team – to answer questions. He has a set of seasoned leftist advisors, and I bet he has not read any of the bills he signed to date in full. It is like having a puppet in the White House that someone directs, and I would like to know who that is.
There will be more “hidden surprises” that we will be discovering years after he is gone from the White House.
There is an article in today’s Investors Business Daily (link below) about the administration trying to do backdoor amnesty for illegals against the Constitution and Congress. So I guess we will be finding Rahm’s rotten fish all over the country after they are finally gone…
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