Today is a day.: Guys – do you ever “make love”?
I’m talking about expressing yourself fully with your partner you love more than anything.
Do guys even make love anymore? or just sex up some girls or what
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Answer by Chirs F
ima guy…with my gf, someone who i truly love…its “,making love”
so some random girl i meet at a party or just a one night stand..its just a f*ck.. you can feel the diffrence
Answer by JoshYeah, I “make love” to the girl I’m “in love” with.Answer by Hannah
Whatever, me and my boyfriend make love. We both really care about each other and it’s more than just f*cking. I know the difference. I used to be real promiscuous back when I had no self esteem and after I got past that and then after I met my boyfriend and started sleeping with him.. totally different. I feel so close to him every time we have sex and I love being so intimate with him.Answer by brother from da hood
yes i make love to my women 🙂 i wouldnt have sex with anyone. il leave my charm for the women on my arm 🙂Answer by gripper2
Hell yeah!
I love to start out making love but the more the girl and I get into it, the faster and harder I F*** her!!
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