demhater: When has the federal government ever used its taxation powers 2 compel people 2 buy a product?
Randy Barnett, a constitutional expert at Georgetown Law School, said the federal government has never used its power of taxation in such a way, to compel people to buy a product from private companies.
Answers and Views:
Answer by James69sk82001
Never and its not even a tax, its a fine which either way is uconstitutional because the federal government doesnt have the power to do that under the constitution.
It is usually the reverse. Institute laws to get us to stop purchasing a product. I agree with Barnett on that one, can’t think of any time that has happened before. A dangerous precedent.Answer by True Jew
Good analogy but you are a little late. Republican boneheads have a short memory.Answer by Think Outside the Ballot Box
They use it all the time to keep the poor from being able to buy certain products.
Don’t see why they wouldn’t use it to make them buy the products the State thinks are best for them.
The people who support behavior modification via taxation are sick, ignorant, self-righteous elitists.
Answer by gws35They can’t, and it’s unconstitutional.
Phil Hare doesn’t care about the Constitution
But Democrats don’t care about the Constitution, and they said so.
Answer by Ivan the TWe never attacked another country for no reason. Where was the crying over George W Bush and Iraq? It’s about time that everyone had health insurance. You are guaranteed treatment at an emergency room regardless of ability to pay. When you skip out on an emergency room bill, the taxpayer pays for it anyway.Answer by Nikki
Retirement & medical, ala Social security & Medicare.
Both are very anti-American & wrong. Used by politicians to buy votes & divide the people.
Answer by WILYP42they have’nt and that is the main point in this law being unconstitutional,and hey Ivan the T what does this have to do with bush and the war in Iraq,you people need to stop beating that same dead drum over and over again,if you were struck by lightning you would find some way to blame it on bush,at some point you need to wake up and come to grips with the present and realize and accept that you helped elect a completely unqualified,inept far left leaning idealogist who is drunk with power and bent on gaining as much as he can,this man is a dictator in the making,he is slowly trying to take over every aspect of private industry he can.The government was meant to serve and protect us not control us and make personal choices for us which is exactly what they are trying to do with this health care scam.To the Obama admin it is not about our health but about how they can control us and get more power and money for themselves.Health care does need some reform but not at the expense of our personal freedoms and constitutional rights.Answer by *freedom*
I can’t think of any occasion where this has happened. The legislation is unconstitutional because it federally mandates that individuals purchase private health insurance when we are not required to have it under the Constitution. It usurps the rights of the citizens and the powers of the states. Many states have said that Obamacare will impose a huge fiscal strain on their budgets that are already in the red. Many companies have come forward to complain about the same thing – they worry that the requirement under Obamacare that they purchase health insurance for all of their employees is going to cause them to go out of business.
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