Mr Quiet: Do Airline pilots need to know how to swim?
I was reading on the Qantas Airline pilot application they ask a question can you swim 50 meters fully clothed and tread water after that for 3 minutes! Do you think if you said I can’t swim they would consider my application? If they don’t could I sue them for discrimination?
Answers and Views:
Answer by BesiktasBob
Yes they can ask. No, they don’t have to hire you. And no, you can’t sue them. That’s like not being hired as a pilot, even though you don’t know how to fly a plane.
Since Qantas, like many airlines, travels over water, all crew members are expected to be able to swim due to the possibility of having to ditch. In this case, crewmembers will become rescuers as well.
Besides, how else will pilots get into a life raft? Air crashed are never as tidy as Hollywood makes them out to be.
Answer by John B
Yes they can ask. Yes you should be able to swim in the event of a water ditching, the passengers safety may depend on your survival. And I doubt that discrimination against non swimmers is illegal anywhere in the world. You’ve got to be kidding.
Answer by George W.Bush
every 3 years, we have to go to swimiming pool.
it is not to save passengers, it s to save ourself…
we are not trained to save people, we are trained to fly the plane, thats all…
Answer by Rio Negro
You better learn to swim. It’s a must for survival and saving yourself… whether you’re a pilot or not.
Answer by Hopes
it’s never too late to learn to swim, you’d better learn for survival and it’s a good exercise too for the whole body.
I myself at 36 is just learning to swim.
You can’t sue employers-to-be for discrimination just because you don’t know how to swim.
Airline operators have other requirements such as your license rating, your flight hours and experience.
In your field, it’s a tough luck of a chance to find a job because internationally there are many pilots lining up for aviation job, whether commercial or corporate or chartered.
good luck and i recommend… learn to swim. It’s very good for the well being/health.
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