: What computer languages do I need to learn to design a website?
I am trying to design a 3D interactive website on my own (no previous computer knowledge). What computer languages do I need to learn?
In my research it came up as Java, HTML, Code. Can some one with a background in Computer programming suggest please?
Answers and Views:
Answer by JerryJ
Before you need computer languages you need design skills. Then you use different computer languages (PHP, Perl, Java, etc.) and markup languages (like HTML) to develop the various parts of the site.
With no previous computer knowledge you are better off using a program like RapidWeaver which has templates that you can use and doesn’t require any programming or markup language skills. https://www.rapidweaverdesign.com/
Answer by RabcorJava, HTML, Css
those are the 3 mainstream ones, the “Webmaking 101” there were some others that were actually better and easier but i forgot which ones, sorry.
Don’t expect to be able to do this just overnight.
Answer by DanHi,
First start learning HTML and CSS and once you have a basic understanding on that move on to Javascript and PHP.
Answer by Norman1.HTML
and so on..Answer by shiggity
Just to clarify; Java and JavaScript are not the same.Answer by Scott
you need to start with XHTML and CSS. Once you learn that html 5 and css3 will be well supported and you can start 3d stuff. Javascript is the next logical step though you could use jquerry to cut corners. After that try asp or php and c#
here’s a basic course which would start you of
Answer by Landscaping_KatyFor website design, besides what you’ve mentioned (Java, HTML), there’s PHP, CSS, and several other languages. If you want be able to create a 3D interactive website design, there are online courses offered on campus and lots more on the internet. These will specify what computer languages are needed.
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