crazyboi: computer.???
how can i connect 3 hard drives to my computer. is there a special ribbon cable that i can use to connect 2 slaves to my computer??? if so where can i buy it?
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Answer by Katie F
Your motherboard should have a second connection for another cable but you’ll need to set your HD’s to something other than cable select. On each HD there should be a diagram showing where the jumper pins should be to set it to Master, Slave and CS. Set your main HD to master, the next to Slave and the third hard drive connected with the other cable to slave as well. Good luck!
Answer by Clydar
Right up my alley, this one! Connecting hard drives is a pretty simple process. I simply purchase an external hard drive enclosure, put the drive in it, and connect it to a USB port. These hard drive enclosures have all the cabling necessary included. I presently have 2 drives that I have set up that way as well as an iOmega external hard drive. Once you run the necessary format on the hard drive, you’re ready to roll! If you just want the poor, naked hard drive, there are cables you can purchase as well. Good luck!
Answer by Seneca P
If you want to hook them up inside the computer but dont have any available ports, then you can buy a PCI card (if you have one slot available) that has either SATA or ATA ports on it, so then you can hook more hard drives up.
the following links are for a SATA and ATA card with external USB’s
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