Me: Is it common to use short term disability while on maternity leave?
I am planning to take 3 months off from work but really worried about how I’m going to make ends meet when my workplace doesn’t offer vacation time or anything. Is it true that women go on short term disability during maternity leave?
(I was just reading that in most European countries and Canada you get a YEAR paid maternity leave and free medical. It’s not fair!!!)
Answers and Views:
Answer by RD
most insurance and workplaces do NOT consider maternity leave an excuse for short term disability ….so no, you probably can not go on it …sorry
I have never heard of this–being pregnant is technically not a disability and I think you need a doctor to say you have a disability. But I have never been pregnant, so maybe you could do it. Go to your HR and ask them about it, they should be able to give you the best advice.Answer by sensible_man
No, it is not. Best thing you will have available is FMLA which is unpaid time off with no pay. You cannot draw disability for pregnancy.Answer by Sweetharttt
Being pregnant is not being disabled so I do not believe you will qualify.Answer by flymeawayfromhere
No. You are not disabled, you should get maternity leave to care for your newborn. All European countries get wonderful maternity leave and month long vacations from their jobs. We are Americans we feel work is far more important than family.
Unless you are working for a large corporation with family leave you are stuck. I hope you have family that can help you during this time!Answer by Tina Marie
No,thats what you have a husband for. Why should the government pay for you having a baby?Answer by mnwomen
Maternity leave is not covered by disability in general. You are not disabled you are choosing not to work.
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