kagome: Can a mother pass on worms to her puppies?
The mother has congessded heart faliur and it could be worms causing it and can the mother pass on worms to her puppies? The mother has had it for a while and it just happened last night. We are worried that the puppy might have the worms and it could get to mother animals. Please help!
Answers and Views:
Answer by Alyssa
yes ur pupies have it not unlees they r not nurseing or so she licking there bottom or anyhitng like that or the puppies playing in her poop or pee
yes get the pups checked outAnswer by Dionannan
Yes the puppies get whatever the mother has through nursing.
Get them checked out as soon as they are old enough. Especially for heart worms.Answer by ♥PomMom♥
Congestive heart failure? Are you talking about heart worms? Yes, heartworms can cause heart failure, but are not passed on by the mother.
Intestinal worms are passed on to the pups from the mothers milk.
Answer by Susan WI’m not sure exactly which species of worms you are concerned about. Heartworms cannot be directly transmitted from mother to puppy. They must go through a mosquitoe to be transmitted. However, hookworms and roundworms are generally transmitted from mother to puppies before the puppies are even born. If the mother has congestive heart failure, you shouldn’t be breeding her unless you want to kill her.Answer by james g
well I do know that when my dog had puppies,she had hookworms and past it to her babies.they are all doing well because the vet gave them meds.Answer by bjsuno
Puppies,pick upmany kinds of worms through their mothers milk. I am not sure of heartworm.Answer by Lesley R
Yes, especially if the pups are feeding on mom still. Get them all dewormed, you can ask your vet for deworming tabs for the pup, he will let you know what action to take from there.
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