: Can birth control make your breasts “hurt” or “sore” after 1 week of usage?
This is a serious question. I am a terrible hypochondriac and always think when I get breast pains, I have cancer. I have a horrible fear of breast cancer more than anything. I feel like it’s behind my nipple area. The pain, atleast. I gave myself a small breast exam like 4 times, no lumps.
I started birth control (Microgestin FE 1/20) exactly one week as of tomorrow night. I’ve never taken it before so I’m just hoping that this is my body reacting to hormone changes.
Thank you.
Oh, and I know some people say it takes a few weeks to a few months for side affects to start kicking in.. was just being curious. Just scares me sometimes.
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Answer by chursha
Yes, mine used to get sore when I first started taking them.
Birth control mimics pregnancy and so your breasts might start to grow in prep to make milk for your “baby”. But there may be no baby. The result is an over dose of estrogen. After many years of this you could actually develop breast cancer. The rate is going up and it seems from medical research that having babies and breastfeeding them stops breast cancer.
So to be safe, stimulate your nipples each day. It may cause them to grow a little but it will keep you safe from cancer.
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