katscott: Are property taxes equitable or inequitable taxes to fund education?
Are property taxes, sales taxes, and state income taxes equitable or inequitable taxes to fund education and what are the social and financial implications of a state lottery?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Richard M
Education is generally paid by the local government. Local governments only have so many tax options at their disposal. Few states permit income or sales taxes at the local level, so most local communities turn to the property tax as the only resort available.
Whether any tax is equitable is a matter of opinion and frequently depends on whether you are the one being taxed. While only property owners pay property tax directly, renters pay property tax indirectly as part of their rent. So it is a good a choice as any.
Some states earmark lottery proceeds for education. It is a “sin” tax, much like the tax on alcohol and cigarettes. Nobody forces you to buy these things, and in a free society, you should have the right to buy them.
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