daphnerst: Any ideas for fun geometry projects for the end of the school year?
I teach high school math, and I’m looking for ideas for a fun project I can do with my geometry students for the end of the year. Any ideas? Thanks!
Answers and Views:
Answer by cami♥
make them create a roller coaster.
either plans for a roller coaster or a mini model.
that should be kind fun.
and you could make it simple or hard.
Answer by The Oracle
Assemble the class into teams. Get one or two teams to draw geometric shapes to particular specifications, and cut them out with a “flap” attached to each side.
Get another team or two to stick together the shapes into partial segments of a larger shape.
Get your final one or two teams to assemble the finished models of 3D shapes.
Alternately, get each student or team to work on a single, simpler project on their own. Award prizes for the fastest fully assembled model, the best constructed model, the best decorated model etc.
You can use this free software to help you design your models:
Answer by m’kyla
Origami. There are so many simple shapes that can be attached togeather to make complex objects. If you want to add a little more math, you could have them determine the total amount of degrees in each shape and in each individual angle angle of the shape.
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