wpasha: After cooking how long can we freez the cooked food and use it later?
when my wife is going on vacation she cooks different kind of foods specially nonveg. I put in plastic container and freez it and i use it later. It is normal cooking nothing (preservatives) is added in cooking to keep the cooked food in good condition. Maximum how long we can keep cooked food in freezer and use it.
And once i remove from deep freezer within how many hours we have to finish that food. After boiling it nicely can we keep the remainin food in refrigerator again and use it next day.
Is there any need of adding something during cooking to keep the food in good condition. If so what is that.
What are the other things to take care to preserve the cooked food for a long period say few months.
Thanks in advance for all of you who answers my question.
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Answer by Irina C
as long as it is chilled and sealed it should be good up to but not more than 3 days………it could become contaminated or grow bacteria after that.
Foods with softer cell walls are the most vulnerable to being damaged while frozen and while unthawing: that’s why leafy green veggies aren’t so easy to work with. With meat, you have a few options. Deep freeze the meat, using a heavy paper to wrap it, and do remember that the more water that’s left inside when it’s frozen, the worst the freeze and thaw will be on the food.
As long as something is freezing, the ice crystals that form continue to grow, which is a major source of the structural damage of frozen foods, and may be why flash freezing and rehydration were developed (though I know very little about those processes). If the food is dryer when you freeze it and fewer crystals are formed, you’ll also spare it extra damage while thawing, when the crystals melt and amass, and further rupture cell walls escaping.
Before we freeze a meat, we salt it well while cooking, so that the salt pushes moisture out of the cells and it evaporates. When we prepare it again, we only have to keep it wrapped in foil and gently bake it (a gentle thaw is easier on it). The foil holds the remaining moisture in and allows the food to rehydrate itself off of the moisture that crystallized around the food when it was frozen.
I use unfrozen foods within 12 to 24 hours, after re-cooking. Use your judgement for this.
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